Thursday 5 November 2009


It's cold.

Brother Luke

L: so why dont you sleep more?
A: dont get tired at night
A: need to listen to music
A: cant do anything otherwise
L: you dont want to do anything - you need to get so bored you fall asleep
A: LOL maybe
L: ask mrs johnson if you can borrow some of her movies
A: i'll remember that
L: please dont actually do that

By the way, sorry about that terrible excuse for a pun that me and George started the other day.
We need to spend some time 'Luking' for something else to say.

Sunday 1 November 2009

We're so sense making.

andrew says (8:13 PM):
Have you ever wondered why the word coincidental
has dental in it?
EMILY says (8:13 PM):

andrew says (8:13 PM):
It doesn't make sense to me


Wtf does it have to do with dental

NOT ONLY THAT, but coin too

EMILY says (8:13 PM):
Yeah its cuz

Someone got a coin stuck in their mouth

And theyre like OMG how coincidental

andrew says (8:14 PM):




Yay awesome analogy bambi high five, it makes sense to me now

EMILY says (8:15 PM):

were so sense making

andrew says (8:16 PM):
and what does sense come in?



EMILY says (8:16 PM):

How coincidental!

Monday 26 October 2009


Moving onto something new right now but I shall keep this blog if i ever feel the need to post, and for the archives. But don't bother checking it out for now. Laters.

Sunday 18 October 2009

Why the fuck do I have nothing to talk about?

Because I've been studying.
Holy fuck.
Maybe i'll get less than five fails this time around.
I doubt it.
Such a darn waste of time.
For those of you who haven't noticed I am writing every sentence on a different line.
This is because it makes my blog look longer and possibly more interesting.
I highly doubt that though.
I am easily amused.
The holidays are almost over ;0.
I don't know whether to be glad or remorseful.
I guess they have been slightly more productive for me than usual, I hope they were the same for you guys.
That sentence took more than one line up.
I'm fucking embarrassed now.
I devised a way to hold and use two pens with one hand.
It works well if you have five fingers, otherwise i'm not sure.
I'll get ET and his magical flying bike and brother Elliott to test it.
ET has four fingers.
I have watched that movie way too many times.
(you can never watch ET too many times).
I have it on DVD and everything.
Actually I own a DVD that is seriously 5 hours film of birds sitting on sticks.
You're supposed to show it to your bird if they're lonely or anything.
I don't know what to be more ashamed of, the fact that I actually bought it thinking it would work or the fact I think my budgie is lonely.
Animals have feelings too yknow.
I would know....
Rather than leaving on a note of bestiality that will just creep people out and keep them away from this blog I shall talk about something else now for a long period of time to wipe your mind rather than deleting that.
My backspace button doesn't work, see.
I'm only joking.
That would be pretty inconvenient for me if it did.
I make enough speeling errors after backspacing and fixing stuff up, imagine what it would be like if they all showed up.
People would think i'm dyslexic.
But i'm not.
I don't think.
Gosh maybe I should get that checked out.
I should really start trailing the net for cool pictures to include here like I sometimes did before. But I can't really beat Ally's 'blending in' picture.
It's first day of term tomorrow.
Summer uniform ;0.
Which is great, I think, because legs like mine don't deserve to be covered up all the time.
Thats right be jealous you.
About what?
I dont know I lost track of what I was talking about.
Haha now that we haven't worn our uniform since term one everyone will come to school dressed all tight and kinky.
Wow aren't I going to enjoy this.
Well that is all for now.
Have a nice 12 hours and 4 minutes before school starts.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


Just crossed something new off my list of things to do before I die.
#45- Watch Paris Hilton die.

For those of you who haven't seen the remake of House Of Wax, I urge you all to watch it. It might not be a great movie, with a decent plot or good actors or anything, but my gosh nothing will ever beat the satisfaction of seeing that rusty old pole driven through her thick head. I would show pictures of something but stuff like that would make me look like I'm copying Anna's blog, so I'll leave that for her :D


I'm not the only one who writes cool stories. This is my friend Alex:

yay. who did hello why donkey am cold lick pole on fish sticks in pools of men eating fish babies with giant tomato faces that have loving party animals that will wear your
mothers petticoat fingernail sponge fly over the great barrier men floor of seamen in alot of jamaica grass toppings on lemur tail with very long elbows that like to have icecream flavoured jelly with beans that contemplates their style of their petticoat.

woo. i am the most anxious potato that ever walked the earth of curtains and wore a large sock in suggestive ways that make potatoes think theyre gay with sock children on the large and enormous beer keg that killed 7845672109672309 jacksons in action at the mall of very large orangutan potatoes that make elf hats and wear very large gloves with big encrusted brains that like to have a big party in chains and dragon costumes which look fab.

Sorry to like, ruin all your self confidence or anything, but don't even try and get that good, it ain't gonna happen.

P.S. PANCAKES FUCKING ROCK OKAY I DON'T WANT TO HEAR NO FUCKING ANTI-PANCAKE SHIT EVER BECAUSE IT ISN'T TRUE. STOP LIVING A LIE YOU SILLY PEOPLE. No offense or anything. Have a lovely rest of your holidays. And anyone going to Parra tomorrow I guess I'll see you there. Laters.

Sunday 11 October 2009

I would start this blog with a number but it's holidays so I forget how to count...

I really don't have much to talk about this week. So I am writing a short blog just to let you all know I am still alive. Pity isn't it.

*I need to find a piece to play for my music yearly.. Any suggestions?
*My eye hurts and I don't know why. Maybe I looked at Daniel's blog. JOKES ITS COOL.
*I don't like bowling. Like really. As in beaten by a ten year old who wasn't using bumpers. Yep.
*I like colours quite alot at the moment. ;O They're pretty.
*My nails still have little pink bits here and there from my dodgy acetone job. I'm too scared to rub it on my skin any more hahaha.
*Vanessa chlorinated my one hundred dollar TB shirt and I still haven't washed it.
*I was going to study but then I remembered I still have a soul. I bet that will offend a lot of people hahaha. Nah it's okay to want to do well.

You guys have a nice week. :D